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7 June 2020KicadToJlc file translator has been added.
23 August 2018Sample LED code has been added.
23 August 2018LED indicators using Dark Cockpit philosophy has been added.
22 August 2018Active crossover rev 0 has been added.
12 July 2012Solar Charge 200ds232 rev 0 has been added.
30 August 2011Solar Charge 200ds230 rev 2 has been added.
3 February 2009Stepper drive 1 has been added.
20 January 2009Earth loop elimination amp 1 posted here.
16 September 2008 Ongoing design on OpendCNC mark 1 updated.
12 September 2008 Quickbitsource code released.
1 September 2008 Rescalc 2008.08.28a has been released. The new version adds a new user interface with auto calculate on change.



KicadToJlc 2020.06.07 kicadtojlc converts Kicad, bill of materials and location information into a compatible format.

AVRMakeGen 2008.05.05 (GPLv3), a makefile generator for the atmel AVR series of processors has just been released. The GUI software allows you to add files select from a series of compilation options, and select fuses in a descriptive fuse click box.

Rescalc 2008.08.28a
ResCalc is a GUI based resistor calculator. Modes include 1: voltage divider, 2: parallel resistor, 3: hysteresis mode, 4: power/voltage/current/resistance calculator. Let ResCalc find the best resistors for you (in E12 or E24).

SourceLine This application is used to as a line for line file comparison program. The application supports options to ignore common C type syntax like // and the popular assembly ; comment identifier. Written for software developers by a software developer that uses it himself.

Ver 2006.12.18 adds a Binary preview.

TwinDelete is an application that hunts and deletes (optional) duplicate files. This package is ideally suited for collection management, that is, any collection of computer files whether source code, pictures, music files etc. where duplicates might exist.
A "duplicate" is identified as a file that has a identical name and binary content.

Com32D5 is a Delphi 5 comm port driver component (with source code). The Software is an adaptation of a component written in Delphi 2 by M. Cocco in 1997. Sadly the original link doesn't exist anymore. So here is an updated version and a download location.

Terminal ver. 20060418 is an application that allows both ASCII and direct hex bytes of data to be sent and received on a PC's serial port.
Version 20060417 adds SLIP encapsulation, and Version 20060418 adds file transfer ability.

Quickbit ver. 2008.01.28 , a simple binary,hex,decimal tool for software and firmware developers. This application helps bit-hex-decimal conversions using features like always on top and click to toggle. Now with 32 bit support for all those ARM users.

How much current can a PCB track carry?, HotTrack calculates track widths, temperatures and currents.

MegaPower is a current draw power calculator for the ATMega8 microprocessor.



Axtive crossover rev 0, A Loudspeaker upgrade to traditional passive cross over circuits. Perfect flat system frequency response and reduced distortion.
Last updated 22 August 2018.

SolarCharge 200ds232 rev 0, An unconventional, scalable high efficiency 12V solar power system, a battery charge controller with low voltage cutout to protect the battery.
Last updated 12 July 2012.

Stepper drive 1, a simple, built and tested, circuit designed to drive stepper motors, from low current types, to motors requiring a couple of amps. Supporting both full step and half step modes.
Last updated 3 February 2009

Earth Loop elimination amp 1 is a buffer stage to be use where multiple earths on audio systems produces unwanted earth loop interference.  This device reduces the amount interference by providing a quasi floating earth at the input. Last updated 20 January 2009

OpendCNC mark 1 part 1,2 and 3 has been releaced. A DIY CNC machine in the making.
Updated : 1 September 2008.

NiMH charger 1 is a ATMEGA8 based switch mode, 14 hour charger that switches of once the time is up. This project uses the AVR's USART, timers, PWM controller, ADC, EEPROM and weak pullups .
Updated : 17 June 2008.

This project demonstrates the interface between an AVR ATMEGA32 and a IDE hard drive.
The source code accommodates both file and directory navigation,creation and deletion. FAT16 and FAT32 (except long filenames at this stage) are supported.

A simple linear supply with current limiting, ideally suited for static loads like battery charging. The supply is small cheap and simple. However it does have a high minimum volt drop.

Frequency 2005.2 is a hardware and software project which enables a PC to measure frequencies of over 20MHz. Simple and effective, a handy tool for the engineer.

Motor controller 1. Beta has been added. This is high current 12V H-Bridge motor control design.
Posted : 2 Jan 2007.



Firmware tutorials

Dark Cockpit
LED indicators using the Dark Cockpit philosophy.
LED code Example LED code.

AVR tutorials

Tutorial 1
(1) AVR processor introduction. (2) ATMega8 data sheet download. (3) WINAVR GCC C compiler and installation guide download.
Tutorial 2 Building your AVR programmer.
Tutorial 3
(1) Building your first project: A flashing light. (2) Programming your AVR using programmers notepad.
Tutorial 4
Using the ATMega8's UART.
Tutorial 5
Using the ATMega8's ADC.
Tutorial 6
How to use one of the AVR's PWM (pulse width modulator) channels.
Tutorial 7
The AVR SLIP tutorial demonstrates a SLIP implementation in an AVR ATMEGA8.
This enables packet based communications between processors using the standard UART.
Project 1
NiMH charger 1 uses a ATMEGA8 to implement a software switch mode power supply controller.
This project uses the AVR's USART, timers, PWM controller, ADC, EEPROM and weak pullups .

Circuitcellar AVR design contest 2004 distinctive excellence awards.
AVR projects to download as examples.

Stepper motor tutorial #1
An introduction to stepper motors. Answers to :
What are stepper motors? How are they constructed? What are they good for? How do I control them?

Stepper motor tutorial #2
Stepper drive circuitry protection.
Common protection circuits and popular mistakes. Why not to use the most common circuit on the web.

Stepper motor tutorial #3
Stepper drive Inductance.
Still to come.

Stepper drive 1, a simple, built and tested, circuit designed to drive stepper motors, from low current types, to motors requiring a couple of amps. Supporting both full step and half step modes.
Last updated 3 February 2009

armtut.htm This is a link to a wonderful site by Martin Thomas.
A GNU ARM compiler and projects are available.
Regularly updated and Open Source. Just the way we like it.


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OpenD (pronounced open dee) stands for Open Design. A site dedicated to promoting open hardware and software development.

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